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23. 7. 2009

 Jednotka vyjela do Ratibořic na parkoviště u zámku na odklizení spadlého stromu . Průzkumem zjištěno že se zde nalézaji velké větve které jednotka rozřezala a odklidila.Poté se jednotka přesunula k Panskému hostinci kde provedla odstranění kmene stromu z vozovky.Při odvalování kmene stromu došlo ke zranění člena jednotky.Jednotka mu poskytla ošetření a byl odvezen do nemocnice.Nakonec se jednotka přesunula k Bilému mostu,kde rovněž odstranila kmen z vozovky.

Jednotka byla již na vyjezdu v Ratibořiciích když byla povolána do České Skalice.Proto došlo k rozdělení na družstva a ty pak zasahovaly samostatně.PD město zůstalo v Ratibořicích a PD M.Skalice a PD Zájezd odjely do Č.Skalice.Cestou nalezly několik popadanych stromu a odstranily je z vozovky.V Bezručově ulici se nacházelo několik větví které družstva uklidila.Poté obě družstva odjela k obci Světlá kde kmen stromu blokoval silnici č.304

Jednotka byla povolána na uvolněné odstranění plechové střechy stánku.Průzkumem bylo zjištěno že se jedná o pád větvi stromu na stánek a lavičky.Jednotka provedla odklizeni větvi ze střechy stanku a uvolnila prasklé větve ze stromu.Jelikož nebylo v silách jednotky  uvolnit všechny nalomené větve bylo po domluvě s OPIS,majitelem stanku a vedoucim kempu rozhodnuto o uzavření prostoru pod stromem.Uzavření prostoru provedla POLICIE ČR obvodní oddělení Česká Skalice.Odstranění větví provedli za pomoci vysokozdvižné plošiny TS města Č.Skalice.


Místo události: okres Náchod — Okres Náchod

Datum a čas ohlášení: 23.07.2009 18:52

Typ zásahu: technická pomoc

Zasahovaly jednotky: 3 PS HZS, 18 JSDH měst a obcí

Popis zásahu: Na území okresu, po bouřce, provázené silným větrem, jednotky zasahovaly u 39 zásahů - převážně šlo o spadlé stromy na vozovku, ale i na střechy domů a železniční trať. Došlo k 1 lehkému zranění dobrovolného hasiče. Poslední zásah byl ohlášen ve 23:29 hodin.


INFO o zásahu 


















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(jehanJarl, 6. 8. 2019 1:30)

Browse The HVAC Advice That Should Not Be Missed

(Raynourb, 30. 7. 2019 15:38)

Initially, seeking to understand your HVAC might seem difficult. Ignorance might be scary. There is many details available that can help turn this into topic much easier to understand, however.

Before calling for repair, get each of the details regarding a broken system. Take note of what brand your pc is in addition to the model number and, if they're available, maintenance records. This helps make certain that the contractor you hire has all of the information you need.

Prior to deciding to hire an HVAC contractor, have some sort of idea of the task that should be done. Discussing the thing is simplified when you know what has happened with all the unit. It could be harder when you don't know what's wrong. This is information that you should have prepared ahead of time.

Every spring you need to clean the fan and coils blades on your condenser fan. First, the power needs to be switched off so things don't move when you work. Then, take the grill off, pull the blades out, and gently clean them plus the unit itself.

Make sure a backyard unit is incorporated in the shade. It will be more potent because it will not should work as tough to cool off the air, whenever it draws in air for cooling.

Boost energy efficiency by putting your condenser unit in the shade. That is simpler to cool further, you spend less this way for the reason that air conditioning unit is currently pulling in cooler air.

Get the HVAC system checked twice a year at the least. Generally, you want it done in the fall as well as the spring. A fast check is worth it to protect yourself from problems later on.

During cold weather , be sure to turn off outdoor condenser units. Avoid damaging the machine by turning it well once the outdoor temperature drops below 60 degrees. Carrying this out keeps your system working well for several years and will save you from the need to spend cash to correct it.

Don't ever let your property temperature get dangerously high. Your average AC unit is only able to lessen the temperature at home by about 20 degrees within a normal span of time. If the temperature in your house reaches 100 degree Fahrenheit, it will only reduce it to 80 or higher. This is simply not a safe and comfortable temperature that you should sleep in.

Make sure you spend a great deal of your energy researching their reputations and credentials, before you decide to invest in any HVAC contractor. The BBB is always great when you would like references or online reviews. Investing enough time to check out potential contractors will save you headaches and money.

Did you know an AC unit can freeze? You can find sometimes also freezes which happen in the drain line, and this can be confused for a plumbing leak. Disable the compressor by switching the thermostat to perform the fan only if this happens. It's smart to get in touch with professionals to aid with this even though you could possibly get the ice to melt if you switch everything to the fan.

If you need help locating somebody to help take of the HVAC system, a fantastic spot to seek advice is online at the review site. There are many websites online that provide referrals and reviews for HVAC repair along with other important service. This will help you find a first-rate professional.

Familiarizing yourself with HVAC technology is hopefully something this article helped you accomplish. So be sure that you take this stuff into account before you get started, it's really difficult to get started from it until you get motivated. This will likely make certain you good results.

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(CindyEximb, 26. 7. 2019 14:12)

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(Nomon Jeolo, 17. 7. 2019 16:15)

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